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10. Your mind is very powerful. If you fill it with positive thoughts, you will soon start seeing positive changes in it.

In 2057, the Sun is dying and Earth is freezing. Eight international astronauts pilot a colossal stellar bomb aboard the spaceship Icarus II, with the intent of jump-starting the Sun and then returning to Earth. As they slingshot past Mercury, Icarus II picks up the distress beacon of Icarus I, the first ship to attempt a similar mission, which disappeared seven years earlier. The ship's proximity to Mercury kept its signals from reaching Earth, but allowed Icarus II to intercept it.

6. “Some people fill their lives so full of good deeds and good intentions that they spread themselves too thin, like butter scraped over too much bread. They exhaust themselves in the process.” – Leo Babauta

1. “One small positive thought in the morning can change your mood for your whole day.” – Unknown

The return of Beavis and Butthead and the premire of Good Vibes might be enough to help get MTV out of the mud and return it to it's glorious format it had in the nineties.

The kids' parents get frustrated with the younger generation's dependence on technology, so they send the gang on a wilderness trip with a former tech addict, which goes horribly wrong.

[20] The article was from an American scientific periodical, and Garland had wondered about what would result from the Sun's death.[38] Garland said of the project: "What interested me was the idea that it could get to a point when the entire planet's survival rests on the shoulders of one man, and what that would do to his head."[38]

25. “The key to being happy is knowing that you have the power to choose what to accept and what to let go.” – Dodinsky

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Who cares? The characters are so sketchily drawn that it's hard to keep them straight, let alone get worked up about their survival."[78] Also describing an unfavourable opinion, Marrit Ingman of The Austin Chronicle professed the film exhibited "problems which arise in the film's third act" which causes "a profoundly implausible plot turn that sends the movie skidding into bogeyman horror. It cheapens the sentiment, and the film doesn't recover."[79]

She takes far more interest in delving into the secrets of the past and finding what is believed to not even exist.

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Others watch a funny video or call a friend. There are lots of content on the Web that can help you feel better whenever you feel low or heated. Use today’s technology to help you be in a good mood!

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